Animal Database

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Animal Database
Animal Database
White-bellied Bustard
Common Name White-bellied Korhaan
Range Sub-Saharan Africa
Scientific Classification
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata
Class Aves
Order Otidiformes
Family Otididae
Genus Eupodotis
Species Eupodotis senegalensis
Conservation Status
Least Concern

The White-bellied bustard or white-bellied korhaan (Eupodotis senegalensis), is a species of bustard in the Otididae family. It is widespread in Sub-Saharan Africa in grassland and open woodland habitats.


It is rather small for a bustard, 48 to 61 centimetres (19 to 24 in) long. All are tawny brown above and on the breast and white on the belly, with cream-coloured legs; juveniles have light brown necks and heads, and adults have blue-grey necks. The adult female has a grey crown, a brown and buff line below the eye, and black speckling on the throat. The adult male has a black crown, black lines on the white cheeks, a black throat patch, and a pinkish-red bill. The call, often given in the early morning and late evening, has been described as "a very loud, guttural k'whuka WHUKa, k'wuka WHUKa..., or k'warrak, k'warrak...

This species is usually seen in pairs or family groups, as young stay with their parents much longer than those of other bustards in the region.


Five subspecies are recognized:
