Animal Database

Hi Homo sapien! Welcome to Animal Database! Anyway, did you know that you're 60% genetically similar to banana trees?


Animal Database
Animal Database
Common opossum
Conservation status
Current conservation status image
Scientific classification
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata
Class Mammalia
Order ???
Family ???
Genus Didelphis
Species D. marsupialis
Binomial name
Didelphis marsupialis


The Virginia opossum has black fur with a white face and snout. Like most mammals, its eyes are black and beady. It has a long, pink tail that it uses to cling to trees. It has black whiskers and a large pink nose. It looks like a giant rat.


The common opossum lives in trees in deciduous, tropical, and mixed forests in North America, from southern Canada through all over United States to Panama. Their largest population however resides in Los Angeles and San Francisco where they successfully flourished (They aren’t native to California), other populations reside in urban cities like Austin, San Antonio, Houston, Mexico City, Orlando, Kissimmee, New York City, Toronto, Seattle, Chicago and Vancouver.

Time of Daily Activity

The common opossum is Nocturnal.

Special Features

  • Long pink tail that helps it cling to trees
  • Claws to increase grip
  • Being in the Marsupials group, it is actually the only marsupial present in North America!


The common opossum feeds on mostly berries.

Common Opossums In Fiction

  • The opossums from Over The Hedge. One is an adult male and the other is a young female.