Animal Database

Hi Homo sapien! Welcome to Animal Database! Anyway, did you know that you're 60% genetically similar to banana trees?


Animal Database
Animal Database

The reasons I speak for Canidae well some are emotional but some of them do a lot with the scientific stuff as I'm one of the people who care about the safety of wild canines. But understanding science isn't the only way I've had the luck to really understand wild canines with great insight some of my understanding does with seeing the similar issues the disabled class faces. It's the gray wolf I've understood since early childhood. But I understand that spirit animal, totem animals amd zodiac animals all do with your qualities so gray wolves aren't the only wild canine species to inspire me. I match mutliple species of wild canines because of my flexibity in attitude, plus with my compassion I have an easy time learning from wild canines, whether scientific issues, experiences of trouble they've been through for so long, or my fine skills of understanding what fictional wild canines are up to, I learn all three ways with Canidae.

My compassion is for anybody whose nice and safe but I also share compassion of stuff like mockery and similar issues frequently enough with wild canines to quickly imagine what they're probably trying to say. I understand their ecosystem stuff, I know their orders because I've read science and I enjoy science more than history. Plus one of the sincere reasons I don't blame wild canines for many wildlife problems is because like me they're feared or misunderstood quite frequently, a wild canines body-language is feared like my disablities were during grade school, feared by the kids misunderstood by the teachers, so forced to be homeschooled. I understand how wild canines judge nature's true balance, I undestand their advice of the planet's safety of staying alive. But with knowing science I wish people didn't show wild canines so much impatience that they repeatedly guessed the wrong order. Coyote, Fox, Raccoon Dog, Jackals they're the misunderstood omnivores of the Canine Family. Wolf Dhole, Cape Dog, Maned Wolf they're the carnivores of this family. Why don't people look at their different diets before guessing what order???? Just guessing the order can quickly aggravate the danger it's argued over on sites like Youtube and then big sites like Facebook, that's why you saw me quickly speak for the foxes and the raccoon dog. 

I enjoy each wild canine a different way, I enjoy the gray wolf in several story styles, the coyotes it's the folklore I enjoy, the fox it's the magic stories I like, the dhole enjoy its peaceful company, the African Wild Dog / Cape Dog I like its respectful tales shown online especially if you're researching results of this species being in the Lion King and the TV series the Lion Guard, the Ethiopian Wolf I'd enjoy letting it travel but hiking close to its cliff homeland. Raccoon Dog I'd just like the type of fanstasy this cousin could be in it's one of the species considered a shapeshifter by Asians. It would also be fun to show the Bush Dog in a movie it's as cute as a bear cub it's so small.

The Coywolf it's the hybrid cousin I choose as my favorite animal. I love the adventures this hybrid cousin could take you on if letting it use its natural abilities while taking you to its old pretend places and similar additional places, Coywolf it's calmer than a wolfdog. Alaska, Canada and then East and Southeast states of the USA. It spread quite a distance before it was noticed.  

Loyalty, Compassion, plus enough love to buy merchandise of them and speak for them these are my strong reactions shown with wild canines. They're the family I understand the most, I'd be depressed if Canidae were suddenly lost forever. Once in a while I'm the only one speaking on the conservation posts shown on Facebook. I'm willing to try to be a heroine so I don't become speechless even if the speech is needed for someone else's safety.  
