Animal Database

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Animal Database
Animal Database
Tinian Monarch
Common Name Tinian Flycatcher and Chuchurikan Tinian (in Chamorro)
Range Northern Mariana Islands, and found only on the island of Tinian.
Scientific Classification
Kingdom Animalia
Class Aves
Order Passeriformes
Family Monarchidae
Genus Monarcha
Species Monarcha takatsukasae
Conservation Status

The Tinian monarch or Tinian flycatcher and Chuchurikan Tinian in Chamorro (Monarcha takatsukasae), is a species of monarch flycatcher in the Monarchidae family. It is endemic to Northern Mariana Islands, and found only on the island of Tinian. Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests and subtropical or tropical moist shrubland.

It is threatened by habitat loss. The Tinian monarch has been delisted as endangered by the United States Fish and Wildlife Services. The current population of Tinian monarchs is estimated to be over 38,000 individuals.
