Animal Database

Hi Homo sapien! Welcome to Animal Database! Anyway, did you know that you're 60% genetically similar to banana trees?


Animal Database
Animal Database
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Pliosaurus (Predator X) is a type of marine reptile called a pliosaur that was discovered in 1841. Like most pliosaurs, it had a big head, a short neck and flippers that were all the same size. Its jaws were so huge that it could snatch its prey or other plesiosaurs, Predator X swallowed the prey after the prey dies, but some creatures escaped from it, when they dared to go to shallow parts.


Predator X lived in Europe and South America during the late jurassic period. The Common Species, Pliosaurus is the greek word that means "More Lizard" or "Petrifying Lizard", cause its head looks petrifying and had sharp teeth for crushing prey or its terrible rival, sharks.


Pliosaurus ate all kinds of sea creatures such as ammonites, fish, ichthyosaurs, and other plesiosaurs. It crushed bones by using its razor sharp teeth. A juvenile ate squid, oysters, and other mollusks.
