The masked lapwing or spur-winged plover (Vanellus miles) is a bird of the Charadriidae family that is native to northern and eastern Australia, New Zealand, and New Guinea. It is 12-15 inches long and has a wingspan of 30-33 inches.
The masked lapwing is insectivorous eating insects and worms. It mainly lives in wetland areas but is highly adaptable and can also live in arid areas, coastlines, and urban areas. Masked lapwings breed year-round and lay 3-5 eggs. The chicks reach full growth after 4-5 months but may stay with their parents for an additional 1-2 years.
Masked lapwings are sometimes seen as a pest, particulary in urban areas. They nest almost anywhere including on the ground or on buildings. Due to these birds nesting in urban areas, they are also at risk from being hit by aircraft such as planes or jets. Masked lapwings are known to be very aggressive when protecting their nest, especially when their eggs have hatched. If another animal or human gets too close to their nest, they will dive onto the intruder and try to cut them with their spurs, which are located on their wings. Another strategy they use is to pretend to have a broken wing, and lure the predator away from their nest.