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Animal Database
Animal Database
Jentink's Duiker
Jentink's Duiker
Common Name gidi-gidi or kaikulowulei
Scientific Classification
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata
Class Mammalia
Order Artiodactyla
Family Bovidae
Genus Cephalophus
Species C. jentinki
Conservation Status

Jentink's duiker (Cephalophus jentinki), is a forest-dwelling duiker found in the southern parts of Liberia, southwestern Côte d'Ivoire, and scattered enclaves in Sierra Leone. It is named in honor of Fredericus Anna Jentink.

Physical Characteristics[]

Head and body length: 135 cm
Shoulder height: 80 cm
Tail length: 15 cm.
Adult weight: 57-80 kg

The coloration of Jentink's duiker is distinctuve and unique: the head and neck are glossy black, and the body is grizzled gray. A thin band of whitish hair runs around the shoulders and lower chest, separating the black and gray; the legs are similarly pale in color. The lips are pale, but the predominant facial feature is the slit in front of each eye which holds a glandular patch. There is no tuft of hair on the forehead. Both males and females have sturdy spike-like horns - these usually grow 14-21 cm long, and slope backwards from the forehead.

Reproduction and Development[]

Gestation period: Probably 8 months.
Litter size: One.
Weaning: Unknown. Probably 3-4 months.
Sexual maturity: Unknown.
Life span: Up to 21 years.

Very little is known on the breeding patterns of Jentink's duiker. Infants are born dark brown, and do not obtain the black-and-gray coloration of adults until one year of age.

Ecology and Behavior[]

Jentink's duiker is primarily nocturnal, although captive individuals may be active during the daytime as well. Sheltered spots like hollow or fallen tree trunks and the buttresses of large trees are typically used when resting or sleeping. Although they can run quickly if threatened, this species has poor stamina and typically does not run far. Like most duikers, Jentink's duiker is thought to live in a stable home range; it is unknown whether or not these areas are defended from other individuals as territories.

Family group: Solitary.
Diet: Primarily leaves and stems; also fruit when available.
Main Predators: Leopard.

Habitat and Distribution[]

This species inhabits closed-canopy rainforests in West Africa, although secondary forests are sometimes used and nighttime foraging may occur in farmland. The approximate range is depicted in the map below.

== Conservation Status

IUCN Red List: Endangered (2008).
CITES Listing: Appendix I (2011).
Threats: Habitat loss, hunting.

The estimated total population is not no more than 3,500 individuals; some experts believe that more than 2,000 remain.

