Chordate | |
A Peregrine Falcon, the world's fastest animal. | |
Scientific Classification | |
Kingdom | Animalia |
Phylum | Chordata |
Chordata is a large phylum in the Animalia kingdom that includes the vertabrates with the sea squirts and lancelets.
They are distinguished by the possession of a notochord at some stage of their development.
Name | |
Actinopterygii | |
Needs Information. | |
Amphibia | |
Amphibia is a class that includes the orders Gymnophiona (caecilians), Urodela (newts and salamanders) and Anura (frogs and toads). | |
Ascidiacea | |
the Ascideans are another group of tunicates, primarily made up of sea squirts, sac-like marine creatures that filter feed on particles that float by, these creatures are typically unable to move. | |
Aves | |
Aves is a class consisting of birds, characterized by their wings and feathers. | |
Chondrichthyes | |
The class Chondricthyes contains cartilaginous fish, fish that have no true bone, but rather cartilage, this class contains sharks and rays | |
Hyperoartia | |
The class Hyperoartia contains Lampreys, similar to hagfish, Lampreys are jawless fishes with eel-shaped bodies with disc like mouths with rows of teeth | |
Larvacea | |
Larvaceans are solitary, free moving tunicates, they come in many different shapes. The photo shows an unusual type of larvacean, but most have a smaller, tadpole like shape | |
Leptocardii | |
The class Leptocardii consists of lancelets, fish-like creatures that are extremely small and streamlined. | |
Mammalia | |
The class Mammalia consists of mammals, characterized by their ability to give birth to live young and having fur on their skin. | |
Myxini | |
The class Myxini contains hagfish, jawless, eel-shaped fish that typically live in deep waters, scavenging off carcasses in large groups. | |
Reptilia | |
The class Reptilia consists of reptiles, characterized by having scales on their body and ability to lay eggs. | |
Sarcopterygii | |
The class Sarcopterygii consists of Lobe Finned Fish, Fish with bony fins that somewhat resemble limbs, thought to be the ancestral bond between land and aquatic vertebrates, most prominently seen in the devonian period. | |
Sorberacea | |
The class sorberacea consists of benthic tunicates, somewhat similar to larvaceans | |
Thaliacea | |
The class Thaliacea consists of marine species of tunicates, differing from Sorberaceans because of the fact that they are not benthic and float across the ocean for their entire life span, they can be solitary or colonial. |