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Animal Database
Animal Database
Bridled Nail-tail Wallaby
Common Name Bridled Nail-tailed Wallaby, Bridled Nailtail Wallaby, Bridled Wallaby, Merrin, and Flashjack.
Range Queensland, Australia, and whose population is declining.
Scientific Classification
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata
Class Mammalia
Order Diprotodontia
Family Macropodidae
Genus Onychogalea
Species Onychogalea fraenata
Conservation Status

The Bridled nail-tail wallaby (Onychogalea fraenata), also known as the bridled nail-tailed wallaby, bridled nailtail wallaby, bridled wallaby, merrin, and flashjack, is a species of Endangered nail-tail wallaby. It is a small wallaby found in three isolated areas in Queensland, Australia, and whose population is declining. The total population of the species is currently estimated to be less than 1,100 mature individuals in the wild.


This small wallaby is named for two distinguishing characteristics: a white "bridle" line that runs down from the back of the neck around the shoulders, and the horny spur on the end of its tail. Other key physical features include a black stripe running down the dorsum of the neck between the scapulae, large eyes, and white stripes on the cheeks, which are often seen in other species of wallabies as well.

The bridled nail-tail wallaby can grow to one metre in length, half of which is tail, and weighs 4–8 kg. Females are somewhat smaller than the males. The tail spur can be 3–6 mm long and partly covered in hair. Its purpose is unclear.

The "nail-tail" is a feature common to two other species of wallabies: the northern nail-tail wallaby and the crescent nail-tail wallaby (which was declared to be extinct in 1956).

Distribution and Habitat[]

At the time of European settlement of Australia, bridled nail-tail wallabies were common all along the East Australian coastline region to the west of the Great Dividing Range. Naturalists in the 19th century reported that the species ranged from the Murray River region of Victoria through central New South Wales to Charters Towers in Queensland.

The species declined in the late 19th and early 20th centuries with no confirmed sightings between 1937 and 1973, by which time it was believed to be extinct. After reading an article in a magazine about Australia's extinct species, a fencing contractor reported that there was an extant population on a property near Dingo, Queensland. This sighting was subsequently confirmed by researchers from the Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service, and the property eventually became Taunton National Park, a scientific nature reserve for the purpose of ensuring the ongoing survival and protection of this endangered species.

Ecology and Behavior[]

The wallabies are most active during the night-time and dusk periods. Day is usually spent sleeping in hollows near bushes or trees. In modern habitats, nail-tails keep close to the edges of pasture grasses. These wallabies have a reputation as shy and solitary animals. They may occasionally form small groups of up to four to feed together when grazing is in short supply. The bridled nail-tail wallaby likes to avoid confrontation and has two main ways of avoiding threats – hiding in hollow logs and crawling under low shrubs. If caught in the open, it may try to lie completely still hoping not to be observed. After a gestation period of about 23 days, the single joey undergoes further development in the mother's pouch for around four more months. One young is born at a time and availability of food sources determine the frequency of breeding.

Recovery Efforts[]
